Minisuper Electricidad DWG Block for AutoCAD

Local commercial / residence / commercial electricity, industrial electricity
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Ctos, General electric similar, Thhn, Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Isolated neutral bar phase, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Luminaires, Thhn, Ctos, General electric similar, Kva, Thhn, Amp., Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Isolated neutral bar phase, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Luminaires, Thhn, Ctos, General electric similar, Thhn, Amp., Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Isolated neutral bar phase, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Luminaires, Luminaires, Thhn, The non-metal pipe of the wall will be covered, Throughout its length by a concrete lining at least, Of centimeters of thickness. In case of crossing avenue, Streets with water pipes etc cm streets, Streets without pipes buried grass cm, note, The meter box will be installed at the property boundary, With the front facing the public road the switch, Main on the front. A height that oscillates between, Meters level respecting the distances, Cross street, Meters., These plans were made strictly adhering, The projects type mt bt of edechisa., note, The final location of i.p will be determined in common, Agreement between the inspector of the security office, The electrician at the first pipe inspection., note, C.d.p.ta, I.p, Volt, Nema, To go, Schematic of measurement, Naked, Bars of, threads, Ground rod, Standing copper weld, M.c.m thhn cu, Breaker, Den. Cu, free, Nema, Nema, Volt, Nema, Bars of, free, C.d.s tb, threads, Nema, Nema, Nema, Nema, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, Three-phase, transformer, P.v.c, Cu desn., Nema, Volt, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, M.c.m th, Pipe: p.v.c, Den. Cu, Pvc, Meter siting, Union fenosa, toward, High density type iii class, The tubes will be polyethylene, Corrugated on the outside., Nema, C.t, note:, All drivers used, In the schematic of measurement will be, Thhn of at least, Otherwise stated, Amps, Amps, Ctos, General electric similar, Prot, Kva, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Evaporator unit, Thhn, Phase volts neutral bar isolated, Thhn, Total, Evaporator unit, Bars c: va, protection, bar, Design power: goes, voltage:, Bars of amps., Bars to: va, protection:, total:, Secondary load box, observations, bar, description, total, Bars b: va, board, General lighting, board, board, board, Ctos, General electric similar, Amps, Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Condensing unit volt. Ton amp stages, Phase volts neutral bar isolated, Condensing unit volt. Ton amp stages, Total, Thhn, Evaporator unit, Thhn, Evaporator unit, bar, voltage:, Bars of amps., protection:, observations, bar, description, protection, total:, Design power:, Drivers: m.c.m xlpe al, total, M.c.m xlpe al, M.c. Cu, Pipe: p.v.c, Condensers, Condensers, board, Bars c: va, bar, voltage:, Bars of amps., observations, bar, description, protection, Bars to: va, Bars b: va, total:, Design power: goes, Drivers: m.c.m xlpe al, total, M.c.m xlpe al, M.c. Cu, Pipe: p.v.c, board, Condensers, Condensers, board, Condensers, board, board, Cds, free, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Nema, Nema, Volt, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, P.v.c, Thhn, Trafo, level, Ctos, General electric similar, Kva, Thhn, Amp, Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Power outlets, Isolated neutral bar phase, Power outlets, Power outlets, condensing unit, Power outlets, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, Thhn, fan, future, Thhn, luminary, Evaporator compressor, fan, Ctos, General electric similar, Thhn, Amps, Prot, Center loading of amps, observation, Thhn, Lead, caliber, Power outlets, Isolated neutral bar phase, Power outlets, Power outlets, Power outlets
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots |
![]() |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | autocad, block, commercial, DWG, einrichtungen, electricidad, electricity, facilities, gas, gesundheit, industrial, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, local, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, provision, residence, wasser bestimmung, water |